Kent Brower, Ph.D., Senior Research Fellow in Biblical Studies, Nazarene Theological College.

Dr Brower has taught at a number of institutions including: Canadian Nazarene College, Nazarene Theological College-Brisbane, European Nazarene College, Nazarene Theological College - Africa, and Nazarene Theological Seminary. He has supervised a number of Ph.D. theses to completion and he continues to supervise Ph.D. students in a variety of topics in the New Testament. His research had focused on many aspects of New Testament theology such as eschatology and holiness in the Gospels.

A festschrift was published in his honour titled The Holy People of God: Identity, Contexts, Challenges (Pickwick Publications, 2024).

Select Publications

‘Eschatology’, in Dictionary of Biblical Theology (Leicester: IVP, 2000), 459-464.   

‘Jesus and the Lustful Eye: Glancing at Matthew 5:28’, Evangelical Quarterly 76 (2004), 291-309.

Holiness in the Gospels (Kansas City: Beacon Hill, 2005).

‘Paul and the Corinthians: A Response to Dean Flemming, ‘Paul and the Athenians: Articulating the Gospel in a Pluralistic World.’ European Explorations in Christian Holiness 3 (2006), 20-26. Reprinted in Didache: Faithful Teaching 6/1 (2006) 

Holiness and Ecclesiology in the New Testament (joint editor with Andy Johnson) (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2007).

‘Introduction: Holiness and the Ekklēsia of God', co-written with Andy Johnson in Holiness and Ecclesiology, eds Kent Brower and Andy Johnson (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2007).

‘The Holy One and his Disciples: Holiness and Ecclesiology in Mark’, in Holiness and Ecclesiology, eds, Kent Brower and Andy Johnson (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2007).

'"We are able", Cross-bearing Discipleship and the Way of the Lord in Mark', Horizons in Biblical Theology 29 (2007) 177-201.

‘“Who then is this?” – Christological Questions in Mark 4:35-5:43’, Evangelical Quarterly LXXXI (2009), 291-305.

Living as God’s Holy People: Holiness and Community in Paul (Carlisle: Paternoster, 2010).

Three articles for Dictionary of Scripture and Ethics (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2011).

Mark: A Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition in New Beacon Bible Commentary (Kansas City: Beacon Hill, 2012).

Five articles for Global Wesleyan Dictionary of Theology (Kansas City: Beacon Hill, 2013)

“Holiness and Community in 1 John” in the Path of Holiness: Perspectives in Wesleyan Thought in Honor of Herbert B McGonigle, eds Joseph W. Cunningham and David Rainey (Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2014), 127-142.

'Purity in John', in Purity: Essays in Bible and Theology, eds Arseny Ermakov and Andrew Brower Latz (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2014), 115-134.

Research Supervision

Current Supervision: Daniel Atkins

Past Supervision: James Ayodeji Adewuya, Kenneth G J Baker, Joshua Bloor (co-supervisor), Joe Brennan, Julianne Burnett (co-supervisor), Alesandra Chambo, Rhonda Crutcher, Arseny ErmakovChristopher Foster, Rob A. FringerSvetlana Khobnya, Gabi Markusse, Musa Victor Mdabuleni Kunene, Jim MoretzGift Mtukwa (co-supervisor), Un Tae Park, James Romano, Ezekiel Shibemba, Robert S. SnowSarah Whittle, Mi Ja Wi, Richard Liantonio (co-supervisor)
