Richard Saunders-Hindley, BA (Oxon), MA (Liverpool University)
‘A New Perspective on Wesley: A Dialogue between John Wesley and N.T. Wright on Justification by Faith’ (NTC), 2019.
Richard began his research at Cliff College in 2011, transferring to NTC in 2014. His main supervisor throughout has been Dr Phil Meadows. His thesis examined Wesley’s doctrine of justification in dialogue with the contemporary debate on justification precipitated by the ‘New Perspective on Paul’. It aims to determine whether Wesley’s doctrine fits on to the map of the New Perspective debate, and if so, where. It will examine Wesley’s theology from a covenantal perspective, seeking to show that his expansive approach to grace and holiness anticipated some of the New Perspective’s arguments in several important respects, while also acting as a critique of all sides of the NPP debate.
Richard is a lay Local Preacher in the British Methodist Church. He is also a trustee of the Inspire Movement, a growing international and ecumenical network of ordinary Christians who practise mission as a way of life drawing on Wesley’s wisdom. He works for Age UK, a non-profit organization that works to enable older people remain independent in later life.