
Mark K. Olson, Ph.D. 

‘Exegeting Aldersgate: John Wesley’s Interpretation of 24 May 1738' (NTC), 2015. Published in the Routledge Methodist Studies Series in 2019 as Wesley and Aldersgate: Interpreting Conversion Narratives.

Mark's thesis examines John Wesley’s experience on 24 May 1738 (Aldersgate) by applying the tools of historical and biblical criticism to the extant records. Mark serves as an adjunct instructor at Nazarene Bible College, Indiana Wesleyan University, and West Africa Theological Seminary, and is managing editor at wesleyscholar.com.

His is also Research Assistant for the MWRC. In this role he helps respond to research questions received by the MWRC.

Email: mkolson@nbc.edu