Richard P. Heitzenrater, Ph.D., L.H.D., D.D.
William Kellon Quick Professor Emeritus of Church History and Wesley Studies at Duke University Divinity School.
Dr Heitzenrater is well-known for his groundbreaking work in transcribing John Wesley’s Oxford Diaries. He co-edited the seven volumes of Wesley’s Journals and Diaries for The Bicentennial Edition of the Works of John Wesley, of which he was the General Editor for twenty-eight years, and has published several important studies. In 2009, The Cambridge Companion to John Wesley was published in his honour.
Select Recent Publications
“An Exact Likeness”; The Portraits of John Wesley (Abingdon, 2017).
The Works of John Wesley, Bicentennial Edition (General Editor, 1986-2014).
Wesley and the People Called Methodists (2nd edn, Abingdon, 2013), tr. into eight languages.
The Elusive Mr. Wesley (2nd edn., Abingdon, 2003).
The Poor and the People Called Methodists, ed. (Kingswood Books, 2002).
Mirror and Memory: Reflections on Early Methodism (Kingswood Books, 1989).
Diary of an Oxford Methodist, Benjamin Ingham, 1733-1734 (Duke University Press, 1985).